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Note: This is a closed, members-only group for parents and guardians of students currently enrolled at WCJA, as well as current WCJA teachers and staff.

Food Allergy Resources

Did you know that about 1 in 13 children have life-threatening food allergies? This means there is most likely a student in your child’s class, grade, or school bus that is allergic to one or more foods. According to Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), “All food allergies have one thing in common: They are potentially life-threatening. Food allergy reactions can range from mild to severe. Mild food allergy reactions may involve only a few hives or minor abdominal pain, though some food allergy reactions progress to severe anaphylaxis with low blood pressure and loss of consciousness” (


How can you and your child help support the students at BWCJA with food allergies?